Friday, January 15, 2016

Ava Anderson Non Toxic LIED - Greenwasher

Would you be upset if you found out that you have been lied to? I would. I AM UPSET.

Ava Anderson party was my very first non-toxic party that I attended, which happen to be my first facebook party ever as well. I was very impressed with the presentation and ended up buying few items: AA's dream cream, all purpose cleaner, deep conditioner, and boo boo stick.

If you have been to any AA party, the very first toxic ingredient that they highlight will most likely be FRAGRANCE. Couple days ago, I just found out about this email:

Ava Anderson Synthetic Fragrance Recalled Products

WHAT? How can Ava Anderson just found out about this? NO Quality Control??
A company at the size of Ava Anderson with few manufacturing facilities should have periodic check to their suppliers otherwise how can you trust any of their other lines do not have anything "toxic" ?!?!

Anyhow, then of course I do further research.....
I found out about this:

Ava Anderson is NOT all about the ingredients
The second part of the party would say that "Read your labels, it is all about the ingredients"
so, what if the ingredients get omitted?!?! One would argue, it is all "safe" ingredients. But, who to decide? What is someone is allergic to olive oil?!
PLEASE...I am getting more furious. This is unacceptable. Now I feel that I have been to a party where everything said was LIES!
Also, especially when it already happened before that zinc dioxide was omitted in their diaper cream. Don't Ava Anderson have learnt from their mistake?!

NOW.......looking back, If I would have attended Ava Anderson party, knowing this, I would leave as soon as these 2 points are brought out because the party is full of LIES.

1) Ava Anderson contains synthetic fragrance
2) Ava Anderson omitted ingredients from the labels. So the label cannot be trusted.

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